Scenes from the Second Storey

Scenes from the Second Storey
Scenes from the Second Storey

Somehow I forgot to officially note here that I will have a story in a forthcoming anthology from Morrigan Books, Scenes from the Second Storey. It was a strange piece to write. It’s a concept anthology, based on the debut album from 1990’s alterno-rock band The God Machine. Each writer was allocated a song from the album and asked to write a story in some way inspired by or related to it. The song titles became the titles of the stories. I’m really looking forward to seeing what some of the other writers have come up with.

My song (“She Said”) fitted very well with a vague idea I’d been carrying around for a while, and helped to solidify it and fill in some much needed gaps. It’s a story I still really love — it was easy to write on some ways, and very difficult in others. It’s also the most autobiographical story I’ve ever written, though probably not in any of the ways you’ll think.

Scenes will be out in September 2010, presumably in time for WorldCon. Here’s the full ToC for your droolworthy pleasure:

Dream Machine – David Conyers
She Said – Kirstyn McDermott
The Blind Man – Felicity Dowker
I’ve Seen The Man – Paul Haines
The Desert Song – Andrew McKiernan
Home – Martin Livings
It’s All Over – L.J. Hayward
Temptation – Trent Jamieson
Out – Stephen Dedman
Ego – Robert Hood
Seven – Stephanie Campisi
Purity – Kaaron Warren
The Piano Song – Cat Sparks