Perfections, or So It Appears I Have a New Book Out

Perfections by Kirstyn McDermottThis is what’s called being late to your own party. And it’s not the kind of fashionable tardiness where you saunter down a curving staircase all coiffed and primped and wearing a trailing ball gown while your friends and loved ones graciously applaud and start singing Happy Birthday. It’s more the embarrassing oh-my-goodness-I-forgot-about-my-own-damn-party-where-the-hell-are-my-shoes sort of lateness. Not that I forgot, precisely, more that I was still picking myself up off the ground after being repeatedly run over by the Freight Train of the Gods that has been 2012.


So thank you to Sean Wright and Tansy Rayner Roberts and Jason Nahrung and all the other people who have already blogged, tweeted and facebooked the news that, yes indeed, I have a brand spanking new novel hot off the digital press and available right this minute. Her name is Perfections and I’m very proud and pleased with how she’s scrubbed up, but I honestly wouldn’t turn my my back on her in a dark alley. Or even a brightly lit room. Seriously, she has teeth.

I also want to say a huge thank you to the wonderfully patient Rowena Cory Daniells who is featuring an interview with me on her blog. She’s also very kindly hosting a give-away to celebrate, so skedaddle on over there and tell me your own scary story for a chance to win a free digital copy of Perfections.

And of course you can buy your own copy right now direct from my publisher Xoum, and from Amazon or iBooks or Kobo, and hopefully from wherever else you stock your nifty digital library these days. Send me links to your favourite online bookseller and I’ll be happy to add them to the Perfections page on my site. Best of all, the book is being published by Xoum DRM-free and is available worldwide. (Whether or not Amazon adds their own DRM to the Kindle version is unfortunately out of their hands.)

So there you have it. Happy Bookday to me!


Blood and Dust by Jason NahrungSorry, just one last thing. It would be totally, utterly remiss of me to forget to mention that my beloved, Jason Nahrung, has had his new novel — Blood and Dust — just published by Xoum as well and you can read the first chapter here.

Australian vampires in outback Queensland.

Blood, dust and motorbikes with nary a sparkle in sight.

Need I say more?

9 thoughts on “Perfections, or So It Appears I Have a New Book Out

  1. Seems I can’t leave a Like on your post, so here I am, commenting. Delved into Blood and Dust for a couple of pages, was too scared to try Perfections last night πŸ˜€

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